Do you have an event coming up? A conference that you’ll need a display and marketing material? A gala event you’re hosting? Ztwelve can help you prepare for your big day. We’ll get started by planning the timeline so everything is delivered with no worries. We’ll then move forward by creating the overall theme of an event or match your existing branding. We’ll be sure the identity matches all your of your materials including such things as a Save-The-Date announcement, invitations, RSVPs, program books, advertisements, signage, name tags, post-cards, flyers and conference displays.

United Way: Women United Gala
event theme, invitation, program, ipad slideshow, signage

Phorum: Philadelphia Alliance for Captial and Technology
25-page book, event guide, ad trafficking, name tags, signage, web banner ads

Enterprise Awards Ceremony: PACT
76-page book, event guide, ad trafficking, name tags, event signage, ebook